Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Reading: Ecclesiastes 9 - 12

Reading Through the Bible in a Year!

1 comment:

  1. Eccl. 11:5 As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child. So you do not know the works of God who makes all things.

    How much time do we spend worrying about things that we will never understand or stressing over matters that cannot be changed? Worry and stress are thieves of peace and joy, yet we leave the doors of our soul wide open inviting them to come in and rob us of life's pleasure. Knowledge cannot close these doors. Sometimes greater knowledge only increases the worry, and there there are somethings which will never be understood. The doors can only be closed in trusting in the All-knowing, All-powerful, Holy and Sovereign God who made all things. We must find our rest in Him who is good and always does good (Ps. 119:68). He is the God of Peace and He alone can give us peace even in the times of trouble and uncertainty. We do not need to know all things. We simply need to know the faithful God of creation.
