Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Daily Reading: Judges 20-21

Reading Through the Bible in a Year!

1 comment:

  1. The Danger of Unbridled Freedom

    Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

    Unbridled freedom is a dangerous thing. The children of Israel experienced the freedom of living without the authority of a king in the times of the Judges and continuously paid the consequences. God did not give them a king as He desired to rule over them as a Righteous Sovereign but they cast off all restraint and all authority. They demanded their freedom and demanded to do what was right in their own eyes. This libertine life led to devastation time and again. Libertarianism sounds noble as it promotes free will and personal freedom, but is flawed in two areas. First, it is rooted in selfishness rejecting all authority other than self. Next, all men are sinful which ultimately leads to self-centered choices. Each of us needs some systems of control over our lives to protect us from ourselves, to protect others from ourselves and us from others, and to protect us in our relationship with God our Creator, Lord, and Redeemer. Throughout the ages God has given us kings and governments to provide control in our lives but ultimately Jesus Christ alone is the Righteous King and is worthy of our servanthood. "Doing what is right in our own eyes" will lead us down a path of destruction, but living under the authority of the Righteous King will put us on the path of blessing, joy and hope.
