Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Daily Reading: Luke 21-22

Reading Through the Bible in a Year!

1 comment:

  1. Brother Dale is very right in his assessment of Peter and the purpose of our trials. I thank God for giving us pastors (Johnny, Eddie, and Gene) that stick to the gospel, that do not water down truth, nor do they seek their own but the good of their flock and the glory of their God. God is very kind to us.

    I do have a desire to attempt to write some thoughts about Luke 22, however the scene is far too precious for me to touch right now. Upon reading it I realized the scene and felt within my soul much trembling, and hastily had to look away. My intent in sharing is not for my pride, may I be crushed before glory is given to me, but to help others see that we are to tremble at His word (Is. 66:1-2) What better place to learn how?

    I am wholly inadequate and incapable of touching this Ark. Gethsemane is an intimate moment within the Godhead. They are communing together in these moments before that cursed tree.

    I feel that all I can do is read and worship, praise God for His kindness in letting us see this and recognize that what our God endured even in the Garden is far more than what we could ever endure in a thousand lifetimes.

    I will make a comment of the disciples however, and simply to say this. It is absolutely heartbreaking that in the great moment of need our Christ had none to watch and pray with Him. I hope that God would have mercy upon me for I know that I have failed as a watchman, I have not tarried with Christ in those night hours with Him. May He be kind to me and grant the opportunity.
