Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daily Reading: Luke 5-6

Reading Through the Bible in a Year!


  1. I haven't yet read the daily reading yet, but studying today's devotional that focused on Proverbs 3:27, the Lord led me to share a story. The 3:27-28 scripture reads:
    Do not withhold good from those who deserve it,
    when it is in your power to act.
    Do not say to your neighbor,
    "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"—
    when you now have it with you.
    Once when my family was on our way to the beach, we passed a man and a woman broken down on the side of the road. Honestly, I usually don't stop out of safety concerns, but I was led to this time. They had a flat tire and no spare. We gave him our spare and I gave him my business card. They were both very appreciative and promised to return the tire.
    Months went by and we got no word from the couple. I didn't regret helping but was a little sore toward the man for not keeping his word. Then one day when I got into work a huge cardboard box that looked like it had been through a war zone or either delivered by the roughest UPS driver in history was sitting beside my desk. I could smell the rubber when I picked up the package. I knew it was the tire. Inside was a very thankful note from the couple, apologizing for the tire being returned so late.
    We knew it was the right thing to do in helping the couple, but the Lord allowed a further, even more memorable blessing with the returned tire. He is so good.

  2. This reading is Luke's copy of the sermon on the mount and the teaching of Jesus is a completely different concept than the way many of us operate. The teaching of Christ is simple in message but not simple to do. "do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you"

    Luke 6:40
    This verse is easy to skip over, but profound in its principle. "A disciple is not above its teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher." We must be careful to whom we submit ourselves to follow. When we are fully trained we will be like them. Further, who is teaching our children. This verse is very clear in warning us to be careful with those whom we entrust our children. Also, as a discipler of my own children this demands a great standard for me because as I teach my children, "when they are fully trained" they will be like me. This is encouragement on two fronts. First, pay very close attention to those who are teaching your children in all capacities (school, sunday school, piers, other adults, media outlets, etc.) For when your children are fully trained they will be like them. I heard a pastor say once, "Don't be surprised when you send your kids to Caesar for their education when they come home acting like Romans." The Scripture is clear that those whom our kids are subjected to, they will become like. At least something to ponder.

    Second, our role should be taken seriously as parents. If we are not currently, we should be the primary teachers of our children, with their education and godly training. This requires us, as the primary teachers/disciplers of our children, a very high standard of godliness. I want to strive to be as godly as possible knowing that my children will become like me when they are fully trained. The principle remains the same, whether or not we step up to our task or abdicate our responsibility. Our children will become like those who teach them. I want to live passionately for Christ and disciple my kids so that I am proud that they become like me. Who are your children becoming like?

    This chapter ends with a warning. Those are wise who hear and do these words of Christ; or they are fools who hear only. Lets take these words of our Lord seriously and be doers.
