Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daily Reading: Mark 8-9

Reading Through the Bible in a Year!

1 comment:

  1. "I have compassion" ch.8:2
    Jesus' response to the crowd was amazing. These were folks who had been with Him for three days and yet apparently He felt compassion on them and desired to meet their needs. He used the disciples and gave an abundance of bread to them to pass out to the multitudes. In the same way, may we have the heart of Christ and have compassion on people and as Christ provides us with the sustenance of His bread that we would freely give to them, knowing that He is the one who supplies.

    "He sighed deeply in His spirit" ch.8:12
    Not long after you witness the compassion of Christ, He proves His disdain for those whose desire is to exalt their religion and own ways over the Lord's. In chapter 7 Jesus tells this same group, the Pharisees, they honor him with their lips but their heart is far from Him. Jesus here becomes short and seemingly agitated, because these people approached Him wanting to argue with Him. Can we argue with the Son of God? Our response to Him must be humble submission as the disciples earlier passing out bread as Christ desired, not arguing with the God-man. Notice the difference in the way Jesus responded to each crowd. The one crowd He had compassion and the other Jesus sighed deeply. Jesus has little patience for this type of attitude. Verse 13 says, "and He left them, got into the boat again and went to the other side."

    Is our heart more like the disciples in desiring to distribute what Christ grants to us or are we wanting to argue with the Messiah over His ways? Submission is best, walk like a disciple today!
